January 4, 2014

Winter Light

Cycling remains indoors, in a cold room on the trainer, but today also offered some good crosscountry skiing. Last night's -19F (without windchill) temperatures are predicted to be followed tomorrow by freezing rain, which will no doubt ruin the snow. Today the sky and light was gorgeous. A few photos:


  1. Minus 19 huh? And here I am complaining about minus 7. Your pictures look great.

    1. I'd complain too ... that is really cold.... And thanks!

  2. Welcome to my world Suze. The last time we saw this much snow was 1901.

    1. Yes, I've been thinking about you and cold weather. We don't have much snow though, the temperatures have been on a 60 degree yoyo.

  3. I don't envy your chilly weather at all but a bit of cross country skiing would be nice. I hope the rain doesn't ruin everything.

    1. It is a good thing not to envy, though you have had a verrry lot of rain. The ups and downs in temperature here don't help us to accustom to it this year, and the bit of snow we have will probably disappear. Again. Stay dry!

  4. Ooh, the pics are lovely. Enjoy the quiet - I always loved how big snowfalls have a great "muffling" effect so you feel like you're in a big cocoon (er, unless there's a nasty wind howling that day), insulated from the rest of the world.

    Your last pic is inspiring me to dedicate a day to x-country for our upcoming ski vacation (since in my neck of the woods getting to snow like that requires 4 hours in a train and then taking a bus up to a ski resort). I envy you your easy x-country trail access. Don't envy you the current temps, though.

    Keep warm!

  5. Thanks for that! The silence is indeed lovely, once away from the commotion of the start. Have a great ski trip! Headed to the Alps? I hope to see pictures on your site.

    Do you know Brigitte's blog? Mostly cycling, but some great cross country skiing stories and photos. I suspect some on mountaineering skis. Here's a linkhttp://www.multiactiv.fr/categorie-10172033.html, in case you want it.

  6. Awesome pics, Suze. Fear not - the sun is staying out longer each day and I have it on good authority that it will start to warm up quite a bit in the coming months.

    1. Thanks, I have fun with the camera ... and thanks also for the very good news. Best I've seen recently:-)


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